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Terminal News

Gasum to Supply Equinor With Bio-LNG

Gasum is collaborating with Equinor on a series of liquefied biomethane (bio-LNG) bunkering operations in the Port of Dusavik, Stavanger, Norway. Gasum is bunkering ISCC-EU certified mass balanced bio-LNG to Equinor’s chartered platform supply vessel Island Crusader.

The first bio-LNG delivery was successfully carried out mid-July. Gasum will continue to supply Island Crusader with 2–3 truckloads of bio-LNG approximately every other week. Each truckload contains about 22 tons of bio-LNG.

Both Gasum and Equinor are committed to sustainability goals to enable a cleaner future. Equinor’s goal is to become a net-zero emissions energy company by 2050 and the bio-LNG deliveries to Island Crusader is one step on the journey towards achieving this goal.

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