Terminal News

Santos join with APA for CO2 infrastructure development

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Picture of Molly Cooper

Molly Cooper

Journalist at Tank Storage Magazine.

Santos has announced it will work with energy infrastructure business APA Group through a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to collaborate on the potential development of CO2 infrastructure throughout eastern Australia.

Map with pins it inThe scope of the MOU is to assess potential decarbonisation opportunities by working jointly to link heavy CO2 emitters and/or CO2 import locations to the Santos-operated carbon capture and storage (CCS) facility in Moomba, South Australia.

The collaboration will include an assessment of CCS pipeline transport routes from key emission sources in Gladstone, Port Bonython and Greater Sydney to the Moomba CCS facility in the Cooper Basin.

Santos Energy Solutions executive vice president Alan Stuart-Grant says: ‘I am very excited about the growth potential for carbon storage services at Moomba…The world simply cannot achieve net zero by 2050 without a large scale-up of CCS and Santos has the expertise and infrastructure to be able to deliver low-cost, large-scale CCS and decarbonisation technologies…We are determined to deliver reliable, affordable, lower-carbon energy to our customers.’

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