Terminal News

Exolum strengthens its commitment to the environment

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Picture of Cyann Fielding

Cyann Fielding

Journalist at Tank Storage Magazine.

Exolum continues to strengthen its actions in sustainability, decarbonisation and care for the environment, based on the roadmap marked by its recently published ESG Master Plan. The plan brings Exolum’s goal to be a net-zero company forward by 10 years.

The group is currently implementing a strategy covering two main lines of action for the reduction of its carbon footprint:

Constructing new photovoltaic plants for its own energy consumption that allow the reduction of emissions.

Adhering to Exolum’s long-term PPAs, which ensure the supply of 100% renewable energy.

The company will also incorporate other emissions reduction schemes, such as using new technological developments and pipeline scheduling systems and replacing pumping equipment or terminal lighting with more energy efficient alternatives.

Exolum performs a regular and systematic environmental assessment via its Environmental Management System, which is subjected to audits to identify the points for improvement.

To minimise water consumption and ensure its effective resue, Exolum carried out a pilot project at the Gerona Facility to recover water from the effluent system.

The company has a Plan for Identification of High Consequence Areas (HCA) that identifies environmentally sensitive spots where a potential incident in the pipeline could have greater consequences for people and/or the environment. Recently, the group updated these HHCAs based on both the sensitivity of the environment and the risk of climate change, integrating these criteria in the company’s geographic information system.

Read more: Exolum hires women in 49% of technical vacancies

It also conducted environmental studies to measure the integration of the pipelines that run through areas that are especially rich in biodiversity in conjunction with GREFA (Rehabilitation Group for Native Fauna and its Habitat). This alliance resulted in the analysis of approximately 200 km of protected natural areas where the pipelines are present and the preservation of biodiversity and fauna though different collaboration projects, such as the conservation of the Montagu’s harrier and the lesser kestrel.

Exolum also participates in the Phy2Climate project, which is funded by the European Commission. This controls the application of phytoremediation methods in land clean-up, and analyses how much biofuel is produced by crops grown on the land.

Javier Alonso, Exolum’s global HSSE & technology lead, says: ‘At Exolum, we have a clear strategy based on the reduction of our carbon footprint and the preservation of the environment, as part of the commitments acquired in our latest and recently published ESG Master Plan. This sustainable ambition leads us to promote the conservation of flora, fauna and water resources and diversify our business activities by committing to and investing in new energy vectors, such as green hydrogen and biofuels.’

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