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Inpex revises plan for Abadi LNG project

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Meenal Datar

Membership specialist

Japan’s Inpex Corp has submitted a revised development plan to the Indonesian government authorities for the Abadi liquefied natural gas (LNG) project, now incorporating a carbon capture and storage (CCS) component. 

Japan’s biggest oil and natural gas explorer submitted the revised plan of development on behalf of its joint venture with Shell after amending it to include plans to neutralise all carbon emitted from natural gas production at the Abadi gas field through CCS. 

Inpex expects to sequentially resume activities associated with the project, including various on-site activities, with an aim to reach a final investment decision in the latter half of the 2020s and commence production in the early 2030s. 

The Indonesian government hopes that discussions with Pertamina over its acquisition of Shell’s stake in the Abadi project will be finalised in the first half of this year. 

Pertamina is currently in negotiations to join the project. 

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