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Terminal News

Mormugao Port Authority to auction land for bulk liquid storage

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Picture of Anamika Talwaria

Anamika Talwaria

Editor & Head of Content for Tank Storage Magazine & StocExpo and Chair of Women in Tanks.
brown wooden bridge over body of water during daytime

Mormugao Port Authority (MPA) has put two parcels of land up for auction in India, for bulk liquid cargo terminals. A total of 5,067 m2 of land is being auctioned off. Terminals can be built and operated for five years.

A 1,176 m2 parcel of land near the coal dumps has been identified as a potential location for a bulk liquid terminal. There are two existing bulk liquid storage tanks with a total capacity of 7,800 m2. A further 3,891 m3 has been identified for another storage terminal.

The aim is for MPA to gain revenue and also gauge the demand for a wider variety of cargo in the area.


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