Terminal News

TES announces new capacity booking round at Wilhelmshaven Green Energy Hub

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Picture of Molly Cooper

Molly Cooper

Journalist at Tank Storage Magazine.

Developer of energy supply and import hubs, Tree Energy Solutions (TES) – on behalf of Deutsche Grüngas und Energieversorgung GmbH (DGGEV) –  has announced it is inviting market participants to submit non-binding expressions of interest for additional long-term terminal capacities from 16 October 2023.Water

This follows a successful open season and positive market reactions.

The total planned capacity of the zero-emission terminal is equivalent to 15 billion cubic metres (BCM) per year, which corresponds to around 17% of Germany’s gas demand in 2022.

For long-term marketing through the second procurement procedure, 3.4 BCM per year are available and will be allocated to customers on a first committed first served (FCFS) basis.

The Wilhelmshaven Green Energy Hub is a pivotal element in TES’s commitment to decarbonize Germany and neighbouring markets by facilitating the import of both conventional liquefied natural gas (LNG) and green hydrogen based electric natural gas (e-NG). The planned start-up is in 2027.

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