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Oest automates German fuel business with Implico SAP

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Picture of Meenal Datar

Meenal Datar

Membership specialist

German oil and engineering firm Oest Group has successfully digitised and automated its southern German fuel service business using Implico’s SAP RFNO (Retail Fuel Network Operations) solution.

Oest can now control, supply and bill its 85 AVIA service stations digitally, resulting in optimised processes and better decision-making in the hard-to-predict service station business. The group has also unified its internal IT systems, as its petroleum and engineering plants also run on Implico SAP systems, including SAP SDM (Secondary Distribution Management).

SAP RNFO is a fullt integrated end-to-end solution, and can map all four AVIA distribution channels – owner-operated, lessee-operated, director-operated and automatic. Previously manual tasks, such as the daily billing of sales leases and the monthly inventory are now automated. Oest processes are safer, leaner, and more reliable, while the data is accurate, complete and easily accessible. So far, the company has created more than 50,000 receipts through the new system.

‘With the introduction of SAP RFNO, we have taken an important step in the digitalisation of our operations,’ says Matthias Pape, managing director of service stations at the Oest Group. ‘This is beneficial to us and to our business partners. They now receive all relevant data quickly, reliably and precisely – a great improvement in service quality and a significant ease in daily business.’

Thomas Roller, head of sales & marketing at Implico, adds: ‘The go-live of SAP RFNO marks another highlight in the joint success story of Oest and Implico. Together, we have not only equipped Oest’s service station business for the future, but also advanced the SAP RFNO software solution even further. Everyone involved has shown full commitment to the common vision and great enthusiasm for innovation.’

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