Energy company, EnBW, technology company VNG and subsidiary of Tokyo Electric Power Company, Jera have signed a memorandum of understanding with the goal of jointly conducting a feasibility study to evaluate the construction of an ammonia cracker demonstration plant.
The project partners want to examine whether the construction of a demonstration plant for the production of hydrogen from ammonia in the Rostock port area, Germany, is feasible. The project would allow for the transport of large quantities of hydrogen as ammonia to Rostock from oversea regions, where it could be re-converted into hydrogen and then transported to German consumers and customers. An existing ammonia terminal in the Rostock port area could be used for importing the ammonia.
Georg Stamatelopoulos, EnBW board of management member and COO of sustainable generation infrastructure says: ‘At EnBW, we are working at full steam to transform our generation capacities from fossil fuels such as coal to non-fossil fuels such as hydrogen. The joint project between EnBW, VNG and JERA fits in very well with our efforts to become climate-neutral by 2035….The key is to create the right conditions now for the fastest possible decarbonisation of the business.’
‘The construction of a demonstration plant of an ammonia crack-er in Rostock together with JERA and EnBW is another important step towards supporting the ramp-up of hydro-gen in Germany and thus making a contribution to decarbonisation in eastern Germany,’ adds Hans-Joachim Polk, CTO of VNG AG.
Chairman of the board and global CEO in JERA, Yukio Kani says: ‘We are pleased to work together with EnBW and VNG, with whom we have confirmed alignment with regards to our purpose and strategic direction. A collaboration with such prominent leaders of the European energy industry is exactly what JERA had been longing for.’